Under Attack?

Zero Trust

Zero Trust

Implement the Zero Trust Model

Cybercrime has become part of our daily lives. Cybercriminals exist everywhere and have different skill sets and motivations.

Cybercrime is now a massive business and often available under a fee. Attacks such as phishing, financial fraud, spying and theft are not uncommon anymore. Companies realised that adopting public cloud services and supporting a mobile workforce makes all the traditional perimeter-based security models irrelevant.

144.91 million new malwares in 2019 and 113.10 million new in 2020 (AV-Test). 93.6% of malware observed can constantly change its code to evade detection (2020 Webroot Threat Report). 50% of business PCs that got infected once were re-infected within the same year (2020 Webroot Threat Report)

Zero Trust is the new norm in information security, do not trust anything and always verify. It’s a strategic initiative that requires years of effort, strong commitment and collaboration across the enterprise, but it can help you improve dramatically your security posture.

A Zero Trust architecture is built around the following main pillars:

  • Identity Protection
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Application Protection
  • Data Protection
  • Infrastructure
  • Network Security
  • Strong Visibility
  • Automation and Orchestration

Cybercrime is constantly evolving and progressively becoming increasingly sophisticated. Information security is a complex and a never-ending challenge. Cloud adoption forces a re-think of traditional security architectures.

Service Offering


At Kontex we have the expertise to build a strong business case with focus on the results that align with your organisation’s projects, functions and strategic goals. Our approach is to:

  • Closely listen to your business priorities and obtain executive / stakeholder support.
  • Develop a vision that focuses on business outcomes, tailored to the business priorities and culture.
  • Uncover and capture new opportunities while managing risk efficiently, enabling remote work, and cloud migrations.
  • Strong, targeted and automated reporting to ensure accountability for business and risk outcomes.

Creating a long-term strategy for your Zero Trust security model and prioritise actions based on business requirements.

  • Secure proactively identities, endpoints, applications, data, infrastructure and networks using best practices and the most modern security technics.
  • Operational technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT), if applicable to the organization
  • Secure API management architecture.
  • Tailor and align each initiative to business objectives with continues evaluation to identify the business impact, friction or challenges.
  • Automation, and orchestration.
  • Handling threats like denial-of-service, password spray, brute force attacks, blast radius with modern segmentation technics.

Help you to identify key milestones and performance targets and report on achievements and learnings.

  • Measure and create a frictionless user experience
  • Optimise internal approval of initiatives or security changes.
  • Identify the quantity or impact of security incidents and alter the strategy if required to achieve an optimum security posture.
  • Maximise your Zero Trust investments.

Start your journey towards a more secure organisation

3 Castle Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 F950

200 Strand,
London WC2R 1DP

Denver Place,
999 18th St UNIT 3000,
Denver, CO 80202,
United States
Singel 250,
Netherlands, 1016 AB

+353 1 566 7050